About Jon Wade Running Coach

My Running Journey

I wasn’t always a runner. Sure, I ran track in junior high and loved it, but that was it for many years.

It was around age 26 when I started training at a Muay Thai gym in Oceanside, CA. I learned how poor my cardio and endurance really were. My coach at the time got me out on the road doing 2, 4, and 6-mile runs a few times a week. Honestly, I wasn’t excited about it, but I did love how I felt when I saw real improvements in the ring.

Fast forward a few years, I moved back home to Indianapolis and got talked into running my first race, the Mini Marathon. The idea of running 13.1 miles at the time seemed out of reach, but I’m always up for a challenge. The training was fun, disorganized, inconsistent, and discouraging all at the same time, but I made it. This was my first experience at any road race, and from that day forward, I was hooked!

Since that first race, I have become devoted to running, racing, and training, soaking up as much knowledge and experience as possible. Countless 5ks, 10ks, half-marathons, and a handful of marathons, and it never gets old! The running community is truly unique, and I am happy to be able to share my knowledge and training with anyone ready to hit the road! Let’s go do some crazy stuff!!

Engaging with Indianapolis and Fishers Running Community

I have been fortunate to be part of an amazing community of runners and supporters. The running community is truly unique, and I love being as connected as possible.

Fishers Running Club

I have been a Fishers Running Club member since the fall of 2019 and am currently serving on the board for 2023 and 2024. As VP of Engagement for the club, I work closely with the local community, club sponsors, and race directors throughout the year. Our club has over 200 members and continues to grow!

Come out to the Athletic Annex in Fishers on Thursday nights to join us for a run! I am an Athletic Annex ambassador for 2023 and 2024, and as ambassadors, we help lead the three-mile runs/walks that happen there every Thursday at 6:30 PM. Come hang out, and let’s talk gear and run or walk. These events are free and open to all!

Race Ambassador

Indy Mini Marathon

For 2024, I’m excited to be an ambassador for the 500 Festival Mini Marathon. This is my first time as an ambassador for this race, and I’m looking forward to the events, the Miler Series leading up to the race, and coaching runners for this race happening on May 4, 2024.

Geist Half Marathon

In 2023, I was an ambassador for the Geist Half Marathon. It was the first year Fishers Parks took over the race, and I had a lot of fun working with everyone and promoting this race. I even got to be in commercials, in the Fishers newspaper, and on WISHTV news for a segment. I’m back again in 2024, and I’m excited to be a part of this team of race ambassadors. Plus, back by popular demand is the 10k! The Geist Half Marathon, 10K, and 5K races are on September 14, 2024.


When I started running, I always thought race pacers had such cool jobs! It was my goal to be a pacer one day, helping lead people to the finish line and keeping them motivated along the way. I have had the pleasure of doing just that at the Purdue Half Marathon twice now, the Geist Half Marathon and the Kiss the Bricks Half Marathon. It was super fun, and I plan on doing that again soon!